Flow To Grow is located in Kruisem, Belgium on Passionistenstraat. Flow To Grow is rated 3 out of 5 in the category professional training & coaching in Belgium. Flow to Grow is Sofie-Anne Heyse. She helps entrepreneurs to develop their intuition skills by slowing down, become silent and discover their authentic leader within through Mindfulness, Meditation & Systemic Constellations for organisations. Flow to Grow offers Inspiration Sessions, Intuition Days and (ladies) Retreats abroad. (2019: Marrakesh). As the pressure of life is pretty intense and the level of collective consciousness on planet earth is growing at high speed, we are strongly invited to live our lives in a more conscious and sensitive way. As a certified Mindfulnesstrainer, she learns CEO’s, leaders and entrepreneurs how to be successful with the power of vulnerability. Systemic constellations show how to get in touch with the under laying dynamics that make people do what they do. By revealing these dynamics, the invisible becomes visible and offers useful tools to become a meaningful, inspiring and effective entrepreneur. It is an adventure like Alice in Wonderland, full of hidden treasures, offering precious insights and new ideas. Her mission is to increase awareness not only in your personal life, but also in your professional environment. For one reason or another, she loves to work with female entrepreneurs and she's absolutely open to work with men who wish to explore their intuitive skills. Men who are more or less “done” with this tough way of doing business and curious how it looks like to co-create, to inspire, to support, to spread and share new ideas, and other ways of doing business WITH each other rather then AGAINST each other. If you are interested in being informed about the upcoming events of Flow to Grow, please register for the newsletter : http://www.flowtogrow.be/contacteng/ Upcoming events : - Intuition Day (m/v) : 21 March 2019 - Ladies Retreat Marrakech, Intuitive leadership (v) : 14-19 October 2019, for female entrepreneurs Find out more : http://www.flowtogrow.be/kalender/
Kruisem, Flemish Region